Diet and nutrition tips for women with PCOD

PCOD, also known as Polycystic Ovarian Disease, refers to a condition where a woman’s ovaries release several partially mature or immature eggs that gradually develop into cysts. The best gynecologist near you provides us with some tips pertaining to diet and nutrition for women with PCOD.

Diet and nutrition tips

The food that an individual consumes has a significant impact on PCOD. The following points help us in understanding which foods to consume during this phase:

  • Lean proteins

Lean proteins play an important role in the diet chart. Choose lean protein sources that include fish, tofu, skinless poultry and lentils. These foods not only support the health of muscles but also promote a feeling of fullness, lowering cravings for unhealthy snacks and stabilising levels of blood sugar.

  • High-fibre foods

Adding foods to your diet which are high in fibre helps significantly, as PCOD is usually associated with insulin resistance. Including brown rice, whole wheat bread and quinoa aids in weight management for individuals. Legumes like lentils and beans, as well as vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli and spinach, must be consumed on a daily basis as they are rich in necessary vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, folate and iron. 

Consider visiting the best gynecologist near you if you face any symptoms regarding PCOD.

  • Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index

Since PCOD is linked to insulin resistance, opting for carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index is essential. Foods like sweet potatoes, quinoa, steel-cut oats and whole-grain pasta belong to this category. These foods digest more slowly after consumption and have a light impact on blood sugar, providing sustained energy.

  • Fruits that are antioxidant-rich

Fruits such as berries and cherries are abundant in antioxidants, which helps in lowering inflammation. Moreover, these fruits offer protection to cells in the body and support the natural detoxification processes.


To sum it up, the best gynecologist near you provides effective treatment to individuals who have PCOD to support overall health.

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