Nutrition and Exercise Guidelines for Normal Delivery


Nutrition and Exercise Guidelines

Nutrition is an essential determinant of a safe and healthy pregnancy. It is important to have a diet rich in nutrients, consisting of fruits and vegetables and more, and avoid junk food during pregnancy. Poor nutrition can affect the pregnancy outcome and result in complications during labor. Here, the best normal delivery doctor in Dum Dum has discussed the important nutrition and exercise guidelines for normal delivery.

Nutritional guidelines for a normal delivery

  • You must consume at least ten to twelve glasses of fresh water.
  • Try to eat eight to ten servings of vegetables and fruits every day, including leafy green vegetables.
  • Two to four servings of whole grains are important for consumption every day while you are pregnant. 
  • The best normal delivery doctor advises to have two to four servings of calcium-rich foods each day. These can include dark green leafy vegetables and low-fat yogurt.
  • It is important to have two to three servings of healthy fats per day in the form of nuts, olive oil, and seeds.
  • Try to have two to three servings of protein foods, like eggs, legumes, lean meat, and chicken.
  • Two to three servings of fish every week is essential for boosting your Omega 3 intake.
  • Consume at least 600-800 mcg daily of folate/ folic acid after consulting the best normal delivery doctor near you, especially during your first trimester and preconception period. This has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cardiac, brain, and spinal cord defects and also lower the chances of a miscarriage.
  • Many women are also asked to take prenatal vitamins throughout their pregnancy. Consider having 400-800 mcg of folic acid and 100-250 mg of supplemental iodine regularly after consulting your doctor.

Exercise guidelines

  • Perform aerobic exercises outside in the sunlight amidst fresh air every day for thirty to sixty minutes. The sun is an essential source of Vitamin D and can help in boosting one’s health.
  • Make sure to go for brisk walking every day.
  • Consult the best gynecologist near you and ask them whether you can perform pelvic rock exercises, lunges, and squats each day.

Follow these nutritional and exercise guidelines to have a healthy pregnancy followed by a safe, normal delivery. To know more of these tips, consult the best normal delivery doctor in Dum Dum.

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